Tuesday, May 24, 2011

"Meet the Parents" Trilogy Giveaway!!

I’ve been trying to think of a fun giveaway for the last couple of days. While sipping on my coffee this morning, I got to thinking about all of the weirdo parents I’ve met in my years of dating. How about a “Meet the Parents” giveaway?!

Here’s how it will go down:

·        Tell me about your worst “Meet the Parents” experience in the    comments below or email me at violajames@live.com. I must receive all entries by Monday, June 6th!

·        Entries will be posted on violajames.blogspot.com in the coming weeks for all of us to enjoy. (Anonymously, of course!) I’ll even contribute some of my personal stories!

·        I will pick my favorite story and the winner will receive the Meet the Parents trilogy starring Ben Stiller and Robert DeNiro which includes Meet the Parents, Meet the Fockers and the latest, Little Fockers!   

Fun, right?! I’m looking forward to hearing all of your crazy “Meet the Parents” stories!
Ben Stiller and Robert DeNiro in "Meet the Parents". Photo courtesy of tailgate365.com.



  1. I honestly don't have any "worst" experiences I can think of! I think I'm just very blessed to have wonderful inlaws. :)


    writeme at heidimail dot com

  2. Does missing the event where I am supposed to meet the parents but instead dodge it and go bar hoppin, but then run into the other child of those same parents who then calls the parents I was supposed to meet and tells them where I am...only to have me turn bright red on the second "meet the parents" rescheduled day--count?

    Thanks for the chance to win an even more awkward and funny time

    nolagirl727 at yahoo dot com

  3. I dated a guy about ten years ago who invited me to meet his parents over "dinner" at their place. I was in my mid twenties at the time. We sat down for dinner and his father pulled him aside to ask if I was old enough to have a glass of wine. I heard him ask!!!! After he poured me a glass I preceded to grab for the glass and walah! I spilled red wine all over their expensive looking white table cloth and all over their nice clean white carpet. His mom immediately started freaking out. It was the worst experience ever. I was really glad when dinner was over and it was time to leave I was so embarrased!

  4. Back in my hooligan days, it was the most embarrassing thing to walk out of a bedroom the morning after and do the walk of shame as they said good morning! lol!!


  5. @Heidi- My mom always says the same thing about her in-laws. It’s a good thing because they just so happen to be my grandparents :).

    @nola727- Thank YOU for your comment! I can totally understand your situation. I am from a pretty small town and if you were going to go out when you had other places to be, it never worked out well! You were guaranteed to see someone that you knew out and then you were BUSTED!

    @bukaeyes- I hope that you dumped that guy immediately if not solely for the reason of having stick-up-their-butts parents! White carpet and white table clothes mixed with red wine?! Who the hell were these people?!

    @Miss Yaya- Been there! I had to crawl out of a guy’s window before because “he didn’t want his parents to find out he wasn’t still a virgin”. Seriously. Love your name, by the way…YA YA!

  6. The first time I met my husband's parents was pretty embarrassing.

    My husband and I had been dating for a couple of weeks when I came down with a horrible case of mononucleosis. He stuck by me even though we barely knew each other at that point and allowed me to stay at his apartment so I wouldn't be alone and took good care of me while I was recuperating.

    He conveniently forgot to mentioned that every Sunday his parents would come up to visit. So here I am looking like death and feeling the same and here come his super conservative parents. It would have been awkward enough for us to meet for the first time under those circumstances but his dad had to ask me what I kind of illness I had...When I told him that it was mono, he started going and on and on about how weird it was that his son wasn't sick and that since it's the "kissing disease" that I must have caught it from someone else...I was so humiliated (and sick) that I hid in the bedroom and pretended to sleep until they left.

    Nine years later, I still hear about the story quite often.


  7. @emethereality- That is very sweet of your boyfriend/ husband! Most guys would be getting the hell out of there! Did you know at this point that he was “the one”?

    That cracks me up what his dad said. Parents are so weird, aren't they? :) What is your relationship like with your in-laws now?

    Email me and let me know how things are going, by the way!

  8. @ViolaJames- As cliché as it sounds, I knew on our first date that he'd be the father of my children. Soul recognition or something.

    I have a great relationship with my in-laws. His dad is a funny guy (hubby got it from someone) and his mom is a sweetheart. We have basically completely different lifestyles (they're conservative, vegan, super religious people and...well we're not), but we still manage to get along.

  9. @emethereality- That must have been a weird feeling! I can say that I haven’t felt that way with anyone; I thought I did once, but it was a false alarm I guess :).

    Your in-laws seem like an interesting couple; conservative vegans?! What religion are they, if you don't mind me asking?

  10. I get those little premonitions sometimes. I knew my daughter's birth date before she was even conceived. Knew that she would be a girl, what she would look like, her name, etc. It just came to me one day.

    The in-law's are definitely interesting. They are vegan because they believe it's a sin to eat meat or anything derived from it. They are 7th day adventist.

    My husband is a chef, an agnostic at best and pretty much a carnivore, ah. It's weird to think they're even related.

  11. @emethereality-I see it happen all the time when a family is so religious that they push their children far in the other direction. I have even seen this in my own family. One side of my family is Catholic, the other is Mormon; I prefer neither. It’s not that I don’t like organized religion; I just don’t think it’s for me. I live my life as a good person, hoping it will be good enough if there really is a judgment day. :)

  12. The second time I met my in-laws, we were staying at their house for Thanksgiving. I had just been to Mexico with a good friend a couple of weeks before that so I brought them a nice bottle of Tequila as a present. They were happy about the Tequila and my MIL bought a bottle of margarita mix when she went to the store that day. I never use the mix when I make margaritas, but I didn't want to insult them. They asked me to make the margaritas. I made them and we were all enjoying them. My FIL a little too much. He kept asking me for another refill, another refill, another refill. Drunk people really get on my nerves and I didn't know him too well, but he was really trying my patience. I kept ignoring him when he was asking for another refill. Then he got so loud and I had to be direct and so I said, "John you're drunk I'm cutting you off". And I got the look. He wasn't happy. When my husband and I decided to get married, my husband told me that his dad told him privately that he might think twice about marrying me, because..."she isn't the kind of girl who will take any bullshit from anyone".
    I wish he was right because over the years I have put up with alot of bullshit from the inlaws.


  13. @pinkveganmiso- That is hilarious! So, do you think your FIL still really believes that?

  14. Does getting caught "in the act" in my boyfriend's parents' bed count when I was oh 17? They had been out of town and weren't due to come back a few hours later. The walk of shame down the hall after putting on clothes and having to sit down "to talk about this". Umm the most embarrasing moment ever. It was horrible. Then having to sit down in their living room to discuss what had just happened.
    Honestly it was one of those made for movies kind of moments.

    sassysasha817 at gmail dot com

  15. @Sassy- I'm sorry, but that is hilarious! And, by the way, what is it with guys and their parents' bed? I dated a guy when I was that age that always wanted to fool around on his parents' bed! I'm sure you and I aren't the only ones either.

  16. Mine would definitely be the time I went to my husband's parents house (we had been dating a few months). We had gotten into a fight at his parents house and he decided to leave me there. So there I was stuck in the house with his parents (who DONT speak English only Spanish, and at the time I only spoke a little Spanish). His mom talked to me for 1 hour straight on and on and on and I only understood maybe 10% of the words she said. Miserable. jmmccarr@gmail.com

  17. @viola yeah looking back now it was hillarious. It was horrible at the time though. And then we "had to talk" about it which ended up being us sitting there talking for an hour about the incident and his dad kept talking about the same thing. they sat there and asked why we did it in their bed to top it off, and i just wanted to crack up so bad. Unfortunately, I couldn't just crack up. Oh it was pretty bad. needless to say, the next time I came over, their entire family knew what had happened. "Oh THAT is her?" was a remark one family member said and it was horrible!

  18. oh and i forgot to mention that we had been swimming before the whole incident and my pants were in the living room (since i had had the swimsuit on). Having to throw back on the wet swimsuit (one piece swimsuit not too easy to squeeze back into when wet) after all that and walk down the hall without pants was pretty embarrasing. My bf at the time looked at me like what the f*&^ are you thinking? I pointed to my pants on the floor by the bookcase, and his parents glanced at what I was pointing and I threw them back on. I am surprised they ever let me back in their house after that. ;)
